May 2017 Conchshell Chronicles
Lamb Bleatings
By Laura
I like to be inspired. I like to feel inspiration rising up inside of me when I begin a project. I like to feel the Inspiration that music causes in a deep place in my being which provokes some kind of God given reaction that I can’t explain. I like the inspiration I feel when I get to see the sun rise and the sunset. I like it when inspiration grabs a hold of me when I look at a person and I “see” what I need to do as a Hair artist and then the feeling that follows when it comes into fruition and we are both get to enjoy the creative result of such inspiration. I like receiving the inspiration that comes with the countless unexplainable events, connections and miracles that occur in my life that cause me to know that there is so much more beyond myself. There is a Beyond and Beneath that creates such inspiration and I love when it happens…
One day when I was browsing around I came across a poster that inspired me. I purchased it and brought it home because it inspired me in a way that I think a life should be lived and experienced…LIKE A CHILD!
“Children are…
Believable, TRUST THEM
Childlike, ALLOW THEM
Kindhearted, LEARN FROM THEM
Open minded, RESPECT THEM
Precious, VALUE THEM
Resourceful, SUPPORT THEM
Spontaneous, ENJOY THEM
Vulnerable, PROTECT THEM
My Hero Jesus, when asked “Who then is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” , called a child to Himself and set him before them, and said “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me; but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it is better for him that a heavy millstone be hung around his neck, and that he be drowned in the depth of the sea.”
I used to love getting lost in the simplicity of my children…to get all caught up in their world. Now I enjoy getting inspired by them and their abilities and intellectual processes. I am inspired to see them launching out and facing their world with confidence and a knowing of the Inspirational Force behind it all. The God Force of LOVE that mandates our behavior toward one another and that even as adults we ought to continue striving to be as a child. Laura
A Team Effort
What does it take to educate a student in one of the most remote corners of the world?
This week, I sent the monthly budget money to Nicaragua, as I do every month. Included were salaries for a staff of 43 teachers and administrators ($5241). I also sent money for 90 gallons of gasoline (@$4.41 gal) and 40 gallons of diesel ($4.07). There is also money for cargo transportation downriver, solar panel batteries, trucks and outboard motor repairs, and school repairs ($1431). As you can see that is a considerable sum.
So what does it take to educate one of our Project Ezra students? This month about $4.30 each. Multiply that by 1697 students, and times 13 (extra month salaries at the end of each year) and add about $ 8.15 each in school supplies that we purchase at the beginning of the year, and about $5000-12,000 each year in miscellaneous major expenses, and you have it.
So what does it take to educate a child on the Rio Coco? It takes a Team Effort! Thanks to you who sponsor our students, give money to the school project, and support our Seek The Lamb missionaries! You are going a great work! MB
You may remember in January I wrote about my 2017 strategy for bearing fruit. I used a photo of the lemon flowers that were on the tree at the time.
Today I was doing work in the yard, and I took my cutter and began pruning the Meyers Lemon and Persian Lime trees. Here is a photo of the Meyers Lemon tree now, which is loaded with green lemons. The flowers the first photo are the cluster of fruit in the second! The other citrus trees have many as well!
As I trimmed the branches off the four trees, I smelled citrus oil. I realized that I was cutting off live limbs from these trees. I was smelling their “blood”. Then it hit me. Something was going on with me as well.
Here is what my King Jesus says about pruning:
“I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. 3 You have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you. 4 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. John 15:1-4
Oooh! Yes I realized that I too am being pruned. In a manner of speaking, I am having my distracting limbs cut off. I’m being called to account on what I am eating and drinking, what I’m filling my time with, what I say to my family and friends around me, and where I spend my mental time. The Boss is showing me that I have to move more in His direction.
Breaking habits are hard and painful. I like doing what I like, but when I stepped on the scale after six weeks in Hawaii, I was at my all-time max. Haupia Ice Cream, dinners with friends, coffee shop pastry, etc., are to blame! There are things (coffee) that are upsetting my stomach, that didn’t before. I’m finding less joy in binge watching a series like Blue Bloods (which does have some moral relevance) knowing that there are family, study, writing, and ministry things I could do with that precious resource. I have noticed my personal participation in the chores of the house and café had been waning, but there is great joy to cleaning up after others. The list goes on….
I’m honored that the Boss thinks enough of me to prune me.
I understand. I spent a few hours today carefully cutting off unproductive and interfering branches so that the ones with fruit hanging would grow stronger and the fruit would fully develop. I love seeing the flowers turn into small green orbs and develop into fully delicious fruit. I so look forward to the harvest. I think my Heavenly Father thinks the same about me, and you! Michael
Rio Coco Cafe Baristas —
To The Rio Coco
Last month, nine baristas from the Rio Coco Café & Radford Coffee Company visited the schools along the Rio Coco, and built a cement walkway from the river to our home/office in Sawa. Eric & Barbara Johnson led the team, which included Josiah Nalzaro, Cameron Hueneke, Nick Ayers, and Camden Jacobs, and all who have served in years past at the Vero Beach and Utila cafes.
Eric & Barbara have been to the Rio Coco several times, but it was an eye-opening experience for the others, who have been fundraising for our students since we opened the cafes in 2011. The value of their work in the cafes in Florida, Virginia, and Honduras was made very clear as they visited some of our schools, and spent time with our students and teachers. All came away very thankful for being part of reaching a culture through their service in the café ministry.
The team had an opportunity to pray with Pablo Suazo, one of our longest serving teachers, who is suffering from a Parkinson’s like disease. He has been responding to our prayers!. Thanks.
How Can You Help This Month?
- Support our school project in Nicaragua.
- Support a Seek The Lamb team member serving in Central America and the U.S.
- Purchase Rio Coco Beans Coffee
You may donate online at “—”Give”. Thanks!
Spiritual Arrows:
Please pray that God will:
1) Provide for our personal needs as well as for the teachers and students in Nicaragua.
2) Touch our bodies– good health for us all.
We appreciate your prayers. They Change Everything!
Rio Coco Beans Coffee
Make a donation to the school project in Nicaragua through your purchase of Rio Coco Beans. Join our coffee club and receive a 10% off!
Michael’s Books
Michael has recently published three books which are available on Amazon.
Echoes Into Eternity
focuses on Discipleship, and the path to true relationship with God. Michael connects many of his flying experiences with his walk with the King, and adds a Biblical Cultural perspective to some of the most important aspects.
Living In The Spiritual World
is a transcribed audio recording between Dr Randall Smith and Michael that covers a Biblical perspective on Angels and Demons, The Living Book, Divine Pesonalities (God The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit), God’s Favored Creation (Mankind), and the Passion For The Mission. This books includes perspectives from Laura, as well as all the Bagby kids, and is full of photos.
The Vision Behind The Verses
is a look at the Bible in its cultural and historical setting. Why is the most published book in world history – the Bible – often the most misunderstood. How did we come to regard the Bible as simply mythology and philosophy? What tools can we use to fully understand the message? Topics covered include how God speaks to you in a language that you will understand, Narrative Scripture vs Instructional, The Bible as a Complete Unit, the cultural, geographical, political, and textual context of the Scriptures, and significant words in their original language that enriches our understanding of the Bible.
You may order these at
Echoes Into Eternity Living in the Spiritual World The Vision Behind The Verses
Thanks for spending time with us this month!
Here is one last photo of the Moselle fish.
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