The Eternal Adventure
A study in the greatest adventure that God has created for us all, which begins in the Book of Acts.
Bernini's colonnade, The Vatican, Rome Italia
Chapter 1 - The Crucifixion, Resurrection and Gospel of Jesus Christ
The Eternal Adventure begins with the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus. This changes everything! Now the disciples understand the Gospel Message- :Forgiveiness of sin to all those who repent and receive Jesus as Lord." They spend time with the resurrected Jesus, share meals with Him, and receive their instructions for the next phase.
Chapter 1 - The Crucifixion, Resurrection and Gospel of Jesus Christ
Chapter 2 - The Birth of the Church
In an unprecedented move, the Holy Spirit descends on Jesus' disciples, during the Feast of Pentecost, causing more than 3000 people to become part of the Christian community. In the process, Peter explains what it takes to "get saved." Then Luke describes how this event affected the Community and how their lifestyle changed to reflect their new character.
Acts 2: The Birth of The Church
Chapter 3 - The First Miracle
The Christian Community forms after the infilling of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. They are sharing intimate moments, worshipping together, studying the Scriptures, having meals together, and sharing with anyone who had a need. As they did this, the Holy Spirit was working among them, bringing more into the community. The one day when Peter and John were walking up the steps into the Temple.....
Chapter 4 - "Don't Mess With The Holy Spirit"
The Christian community has been empowered by the Holy Spirit and are participating in many miracles that the Holy Spirit is doing through them. Many are joining the community, but there is a new lesson that the Holy Spirit is going to give to this infant Christian community that will cause significant growth and the bearing of much fruit for the Lord.
Chapter 4 - 'Don't mess With The Holy Spirit"
Chapter 5 - When Problems Arise
Chapter 5 - When Problems Arise
Chapter 6 Deaf Ear Disciples
The Church has suffered a wave of persecution, which has scattered many of the disciples throughout Judea and Samaria. This has led to a great move of God in Samaria and the establishment of an Ethiopian church. In a miraculous turn, the leader of the persecution, the pharisee Saul of Tarsus, has had a personal encounter with Jesus while on the road to Damascus, and after being blind for three days, has his sight restored and becomes a follower of Jesus.
Now the church is going to learn a very personal lesson from the Holy Spirit: the biggest obstacle to the advancement of the Kingdom is often our own preconceptions and prejudices, which must be overcome.
Junior Archeologists
Mikaela and Lukas on the Walls of Jerusalem 1999
A pillar from a 5th Century church in Philippi Greece
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